Build and run tests on OP-TEE reference integration for FVP

The Linux based build maintained by the OP-TEE project is used as the reference integration for testing trusted service deployments on a simulated hardware platform. Service providers deployed within secure partitions are tested using test executables that run as user-space programs under Linux. Test cases interact with trusted service providers using standard service access protocols, carried by FF-A based messages.

The test executables most often used for service level testing on hardware platforms are:

  • ts-service-test - contains a set of service-level end-to-end tests. Discovers and communicates with service providers using libts.

  • psa-api-test - PSA functional API conformance tests (from external project). Also uses libts.

This method uses the makefiles from the op-tee/build repository.

Before you start

Before attempting to run tests on the FVP simulation, the OP-TEE reference integration needs to be built and run. Read the following guides to understand how to do this:

Build the linux application binaries

From the root directory of the workspace, enter the following to build the test applications:

make -C build ffa-test-all

Run ts-service-test

From the root directory of the workspace, enter:

FVP_PATH=../Base_RevC_AEMvA_pkg/models/Linux64_GCC-9.3 make -C build run-only

Once it boots to the login prompt, log in as root and from the FVP terminal, enter:

cd /mnt/host
cp -vat /usr out/ts-install/arm-linux/lib out/ts-install/arm-linux/bin
ts-service-test -v

Use the same flow for other user-space programs. Check the output of the cp command executed to see executables copied under /usr/bin.

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