Writing Documentation

TS is documented using Sphinx, which in turn uses Docutils and Restructured Text (reST hereafter).

The source files for the documents are in the docs directory of the TS repository.

The preferred output format is HTML, and other formats may or may not work.

Section Headings

In order to avoid problems if documents include each other, it is important to follow a consistent section heading style. Please use at most five heading levels. Please use the following style:

First-Level Title

Second-Level Title

Third-Level Title

Forth-level Title

Fifth-level Title

Inline documentation

To get all information integrated into a single document the project uses Sphinx extensions to allow capturing inline documentation into this manual.


The project uses the “”moderncmakedomain” Sphinx extension. This allows adding inline documentation to cmake files. For details please refer to the documentation of the plugin.

Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause