Versioning policy

This document captures information about the version identifier used by the project. It tells the meaning of each part, where the version information is captured and how it is managed.

Format of version IDs

The version identifier identifies the feature set supported by a specific release, and captures compatibility information to other releases.

This project uses “Semantic Versioning”, for details please refer to Semantic Versioning.

The version number is constructed from three numbers, and an optional pre-release identifier. The MAJOR number is changed when incompatible API changes are introduced, the MINOR version when new functionality is added in a backward compatible manner, and the PATCH version when backwards compatible bug fixes are added. The pre-release identifier is appended after the numbers separated with a - and can be the string alpha or beta.

Each release will get a unique version id assigned. When a release is made, the version number will get incremented in accordance with the compatibility rules mentioned above.

Version ID hierarchy

The project hosts multiple components which can be used separately and thus need compatibility information expressed independently. Such components get a dedicated version ID. Examples are libsp and libts.

Components are never released standalone but only part of a TS release. In that sense a set of independent component version IDs are assigned to a TS release ID.

Storage and format

The version number of each release will be stored at two locations:
  1. In a tag of the version control system in the form of “vX.Y.Z” where X Y and Z are the major, minor and patch version numbers.

  2. In a file called version.txt. This file uses ASCII encoding and will contain the version number as “X.Y.Z” where X Y and Z are the major, minor and patch version numbers.


The version id is independent from version identifiers of the versioning system used to store the TS (i.e. git).

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SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause