Running Tests

Running component tests

On successfully completing the steps above, a binary executable called ‘component-test’ will have been created. Because this deployment targets the linux-pc environment, the executable may be run as a native application. The application uses the stock CppUtest command line test runner.

To run component tests, use:

./component-test -v

Typical verbose output:
TEST(PackedCprotocolChecks, checkTsStatusCodes) - 0 ms
TEST(InternalTrustedStorageTests, storeNewItem) - 0 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, generateRandomNumbers) - 2 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, asymEncryptDecrypt) - 4 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, signAndVerifyHash) - 40 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, exportAndImportKeyPair) - 18 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, exportPublicKey) - 7 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, generatePersistentKeys) - 39 ms
TEST(E2EcryptoOpTests, generateVolatileKeys) - 20 ms
TEST(CryptoFaultTests, randomNumbersWithBrokenStorage) - 0 ms
TEST(CryptoFaultTests, persistentKeysWithBrokenStorage) - 9 ms
TEST(CryptoFaultTests, volatileKeyWithBrokenStorage) - 8 ms
TEST(PocCryptoOpTests, checkOpSequence) - 13 ms
TEST(CryptoMsgTests, SignHashOutMsgTest) - 0 ms
TEST(CryptoMsgTests, SignHashInMsgTest) - 0 ms
TEST(CryptoMsgTests, ExportPublicKeyOutMsgTest) - 1 ms
TEST(CryptoMsgTests, ExportPublicKeyInMsgTest) - 0 ms
TEST(CryptoMsgTests, GenerateKeyInMsgTest) - 0 ms
TEST(ServiceFrameworkTests, serviceWithOps) - 0 ms
TEST(ServiceFrameworkTests, serviceWithNoOps) - 0 ms
TEST(TsDemoTests, runTsDemo) - 71 ms

OK (21 tests, 21 ran, 159 checks, 0 ignored, 0 filtered out, 233 ms)

Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause